The Westbrook City Council will vote Monday on a resolution urging Councilor Paul Emery to consider stepping down because of his recent “careless and inflammatory public statements” about Gov. Paul LePage and “highly inappropriate behavior” toward a Portland Press Herald reporter.

Emery has apologized to the public and LePage for his comments and actions Tuesday night at a town hall-style meeting hosted by Democrats in Scarborough, where he said he would not be bothered if the governor went “to see his maker” and lamented that assassination was not a political strategy in this country. He later took the cellphone of a reporter who recorded his comments.

“The Council strongly urges Councilor Emery to examine, in light of these recent events, whether his continued service on the City Council is in the community’s best interests,” the resolution says.

Emery, a Democrat who has represented Ward 3 for the past five years, said Friday that he’s heard from many residents who don’t want him to resign and he plans to honor their wishes. Both Mayor Colleen Hilton and Council President Brendan Rielly, who also are Democrats, said they believe he should step down.

“Our concern is that this controversy will get in the way of getting the city’s business done. We have to work with the state, we have to work with legislators, and we have to work with other leaders,” Rielly said.

Emery said he believes they “all will rise above that.”


Hilton called the incident “a terrible distraction” and said she believes that if Emery stays on the council, he “will continue to be challenged with diplomacy at times” because of his “communication style.”

The city does not have a recall provision and, because of that, Rielly said there was concern among councilors about explicitly asking Emery to resign.

Rielly believes the council will support the resolution as it is written.

“We’re very protective of the reputation of Westbrook, and we want to make sure nothing damages that,” he said.

Rielly said he also plans to announce at Monday’s meeting that he will replace Emery with Councilor Gary Rairdon as chairman of the council’s Committee of the Whole, which is made up of all councilors and oversees ordinance changes.

Hilton already has appointed Rielly to replace Emery as the city’s representative on the Maine Municipal Association’s Legislative Policy Committee.


Through emails, phone calls and encounters on the street, Hilton said she’s been hearing from concerned constituents.

“The vast majority were expressing disappointment and calling for his resignation,” she said.

Emery said he’s gotten the opposite response.

“I’ve had people walk up to me on the street, shake my hand and ask me to stay on the council … people I know and people who are complete strangers,” he said. “I’m responsible to the citizens of Westbrook.”

In downtown Westbrook on Friday afternoon, residents’ feelings about the situation were mixed.

Eric Nelson, 51, said he doesn’t believe Emery should have used the words he did, but that’s not a reason to resign.


“LePage, he basically says the same type of stuff,” Nelson said.

However, Scott Day, 47, said the fact that Emery “ran his mouth” means he should step down.

Bud and Mary Dorsey said it depends on whether the incident was a one-time mistake or part of a pattern of behavior.

“If he has a history of that, maybe he should resign,” said Mary Dorsey, 76.

Nancy Nally, 71, who is Emery’s neighbor and constituent, said the apology was the least he could do.

“I think he should go the step further,” she said, by stepping down.

Regardless, if he runs again in November, he won’t be able to count on Nally’s support.

“I don’t think he deserves my vote,” she said.

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