I read with interest the letter about a “poll” with misleading information (“School neglect builds case for new Portland mayor,” Sept. 10).

I was recently asked to participate in a similar poll. I was led to believe that it was nonpartisan.

However, after many questions about who I’d vote for, I was presented with a list of Michael Brennan’s purported accomplishments and asked how likely each would be to make me vote for him.

When the questions turned toward Ethan Strimling, I expected them to be the same format. Instead, I was presented with alleged negative actions and characteristics of Mr. Strimling, and asked how likely each would be to make me vote against him.

This was clearly a partisan survey. At best, it was meant to get ammunition to use for Mr. Brennan and against Mr. Strimling in the mayoral campaign; at worst, it was a negative ad masquerading as a poll.

David Moltz


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