I object to banning plastic grocery shopping bags in Falmouth because:

• Reusable grocery shopping bags are not safe. Studies show that cross-contamination is a health risk.

• Most people are responsible with the environment, but there will always be some who aren’t. Punishing those who reuse bags is not going to change the environmental effect.

• Replacing plastic shopping bags with paper shopping bags increases volumes sent to the dump because they are more bulky.

• Plastic grocery bags are not “one-use bags.” We use them to pick up pet waste; transport trimmings from flowers and plants, newspapers, and other recyclables to the dump; line trash cans in the bathroom; transport items, etc.

• Banning “reusable grocery shopping bags” will increase the plastic bags we buy. It will not reduce the number of plastic bags at the dump.

• Banning plastic bags at stores with more than 10,000 square feet is not constitutional. Treating retail store “bagging” differently because of store size is discriminating. Suing Falmouth might be cheaper for businesses than changing their checkout structure and computer systems.

The Town Council will be shocked at the level of public reaction if they go forward. This issue should be voted on; let citizens decide if they want these restrictions. It is two-faced for a town that requires all citizens to use large plastic bags for their trash to eliminate the use of small plastic bags by retailers.

James L Solley

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