Editor’s note: Please contact individual places of worship for information about Advent and Christmas religious services.


Benefit bean supper, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., hosted by Good Shepherd Parish to aid the Northern York County Toys for Tots Campaign. Most Holy Trinity Church, 271 Main St., Saco. Admission is $7 for adults and $3 for children. Community members may also donate a new, unwrapped toy to parish collection boxes through Dec. 20. Most needed are toys for newborns to 2-year-olds and teenagers. To suggest a family in need, apply by calling 229-7525 or visit toysfortots.org and click on “Request Toys.”


Guest minister, 9:30 a.m., the Rev. J. Barrie Shepherd, minister emeritus of the 1st Presbyterian Church in New York City, will preach and read from his new book, “Destination Bethlehem: Daily Meditations, Prayers, and Poems to Light the Way to the Manger.” Shepherd will answer questions and sign copies of his book after the service at 10:45 a.m. Free and the public is invited. Books will be available for purchase. Congregational Church, 282 Main St., Cumberland Center.

Advent Prayer Vigil for Peace, noon to midnight, for individual contemplation and meditation. Chapel at State Street Church, 159 State St., Portland. All are welcome. For more information, call 774-6396.


Service Of Comfort And Rest, 2 p.m., a time of remembrance and hope for those experiencing grief, loss and loneliness during the holiday season. Hosted by the Gorham Ecumenical Council at West Gorham Union Church, Route 25, 190 Ossipee Trail, Gorham.

Shape Note Singing, 2 to 5 p.m., not a performance and all are welcome to participate. The New Church, 302 Stevens Ave., Portland. Tune books will be available. Free. Visit maineshapenotesinging.org to learn more.

Saint Lucia Festival, 4 p.m., learn about the legends of Lucia, sing authentic Swedish carols and celebrate the annual crowning of the “Queen of Light.” Scandinavian refreshments and items will be available. St. Ansgar Evangelical Lutheran Church, 515 Woodford St., Rosemont Corner, Portland. Free and open to the public.

Choral Evensong, 4 p.m., service with the Cathedral Choir. The Cathedral Church of St. Luke, 143 State St., Portland. Free with donations accepted.

Blue Christmas, 5 p.m., worship service to acknowledge the pain in people’s lives and offer comfort. Woodfords Church, 202 Woodfords St., Portland.

Grand Menorah Lighting, 5 p.m., Chabad of Maine’s “Glow in the Dark” Chanukah family celebration with music, latkes, Mad Science. City Hall, 389 Congress St., Portland. Visit chabadofmaine.com to learn more.



St. Petersburg Men’s Ensemble, 7 p.m., concert featuring Rachmaninoff’s All-Night Vigil, Op. 37, and Russian folk songs. Falmouth Congregational Church, 267 Falmouth Road, Falmouth. Advance tickets are $20 for adults and $15 for seniors and students and are an additional $5 at the door. Call 781-3413 for more information.


Longest Night Candlelight Service, 7 to 8 p.m., service of healing with readings, prayers, carols and time for quiet reflection. Raymond Village Community Church, 27 Main St., Raymond Village.

St. Petersburg Men’s Ensemble, 7 p.m., a capella quartet in concert. CDs and Russian souvenirs, with an exhibit by iconographer Marina Forbes, will be available for purchase. Cash and checks accepted. Credit cards cannot be processed. Suggested donation is $12, $8 for seniors and students, or pay what you can. No charge for children under 12. Christ Church, Dane Street, Kennebunk. Visit christchurchkennebunk.org to learn more.


Prayer vigil, 7 to 8 p.m., to honor victims and reduce gun violence, conducted by Maine Moms Demand Action and the Maine Council of Churches in conjunction with Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence. St. Luke’s Cathedral, State Street, Portland. All are welcome.

Religion calendar items must be submitted before noon Monday to be considered for the next Saturday. Please note that we are not able to list regular weekly services in the calendar. Mail to: Religion Calendar, Portland Press Herald, P.O. Box 1460, Portland, ME 04104; or email to:


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