WASHINGTON — Fed up with your cable TV? Tired of paying for an expensive satellite package you barely use? You’re not alone: Up to 15 percent of Americans have cut the cord, joining the 9 percent who have never had a cable or satellite TV subscription.

Altogether, that’s roughly a quarter of the country that can be called “cord-cutters” or “cord-nevers,” according to the Pew Research Center, which published a fresh survey of consumer patterns Monday.

Buried in those results, however, is one statistic that sheds some important new light on the future of television: A huge share of cord-cutters don’t even have home broadband.

Overall, Pew’s study on cord-cutting tracks closely with reports by business analysts. From telecom companies to cable firms to satellite providers, the pay-TV industry as a whole is seeing an exodus of TV customers. Where are all these people going? They’re turning to streaming services like Hulu, Netflix and Amazon. Critics of cord-cutting say the tactic may not save you much money in the end. And they could have a point. To watch those streaming TV services, you still have to pay for a broadband subscription. You can’t get to Hulu without Internet, after all. So even if you’ve told Verizon you no longer want a TV+Internet bundle, you’re still paying for standalone broadband, which can be priced even higher than your original bundle. Then on top of that, you have to pay individual subscription fees to services like HBO Now, CBS All Access and others on an a la carte basis so that you can get the channels you want. Considering many of these apps cost upwards of $10 a month, that all adds up pretty quickly.

But hang on –what if you could eliminate that home Internet subscription entirely and still watch your shows online? All of a sudden you get rid of a bill of, say, $100 or more per month (this amount is fairly close to what a household pays for standalone Internet service in Washington). Would you do it?

It appears that some already are. Only 6 in 10 cord-cutters still subscribe to home broadband service – such as DSL, cable Internet or fiber – at all, the Pew survey shows. The rest rely primarily on their cellular devices to stream shows and movies.

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