The quest for perfection, for perfect social justice, drives the Portland Press Herald. Good. But find me a perfect person.

Gov. LePage is not perfect. We all know that – the Press Herald convinced us long ago.

But as long as the paper devotes columns and columns to covering his imperfections and next to nothing detailing his goals, researching, building on the ideas or uncovering the faults, the imbalance serves only the paper’s self-serving high-mindedness and not the state of Maine.

People may wonder what the governor’s goals are, because there is scant one line mention of them in the Press Herald. From the website of the Office of the Governor:

“The LePage Administration has set clear priorities that focus on creating a more prosperous place for Mainers in the State we call home. These initiatives include job creation, lowering taxes and welfare reform.

“By focusing on economic development, reducing the regulatory burden and becoming a more business-friendly state, Maine can attract companies and grow jobs. Restructuring the State’s tax system puts more money into hard-working Mainers’ pockets, allowing them to prosper and leading to a more stable economy. Reforming welfare empowers Mainers toward economic independence and relieves pressure on the budget, which benefits not only the individuals but the State as a whole.”

I’ll give the paper credit for covering the heroin addiction problem. While we will agree the sellers are a deplorable lot, clearly there is no end to the paper’s sympathies for the imperfections of the momentarily stupid buyers, which sympathies I do not share.

Brian C. Jones


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