South Portland School Board member Richard Carter recently compared having signs on the football field to “selling your souls” to the devil of advertising. I already pay for ads in the high school sports programs. Ad signs are an extension of that. Restrictions on placement and size should keep this reasonable idea from becoming an out-of-control endeavor.

Carter and board member Tappan Fitzgerald would rather raise taxes for all residents then take money from businesses that are more than willing to use their advertising dollars to support high school sports. As a local business owner I am proud to support our athletes in any way I can. I have a scoreboard with my logo on it at the Wainright Recreation Complex. Why not save the coaches stipends by allowing my local business to put a sign where my hometown team plays? It’s a win-win situation for all.

It is as much about pride as it is about common sense. This is the problem with most city officials, on the School Board or City Council. Common sense is disappearing. Whether it’s turning away fundraising ideas that don’t raise taxes, or changing the rules repeatedly to keep a business out of town (NGL Terminal Supply). This city just keeps disappointing me. I pray to God that someday common sense will come back.

Ernie Stanhope
South Portland 

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