WATERBORO — State Sen. David Woodsome, R-Waterboro, has announced he will seek re-election to a second term in Senate District 33. The district includes Cornish, Limerick, Newfield, Parsonsfield, Sanford, Shapleigh and Waterboro.

Senate chairman of the Energy, Utilities and Technology Committee, Woodsome said he’s been an advocate for decreasing energy costs and increasing access to broadband.

In a statement, Woodsome said he’s also worked on constituent issues, including protecting workers fired when on sick leave, and helping small business owners by changing the rules on underground fuel storage tanks.

This session, he sponsored L.D. 1473, a bill to increase access to treatment for opiate addiction. The bill, which is making its way through the legislative process, would reinstate an $80 per week reimbursement to treatment providers that was cut to $60 per week a few years ago.

Woodsome said he believes in bipartisanship – working with members of both parties to find solutions and do what is best for constituents.

A Waterboro native, he is a graduate of Sanford High school, and a farmer, retired schoolteacher and coach. He served three terms as a Waterboro selectman.

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