Six police officers from three agencies descended on a raucous party that turned into a big fight Wednesday night in Norridgewock after complaints of noise and vandalism, police said Thursday.

Deputies from the Somerset County Sheriff’s Department and the Fairfield and Skowhegan police departments were sent to Dodling Road, Smithfield Road, which is Route 8, about 11:45 p.m. Wednesday.

“This was a report of a large party that was getting out of control, involving reports of multiple fights and vandalism to vehicles there,” said James Ross, chief deputy at the sheriff’s office. “Fairfield PD provided mutual aid by backing up Somerset deputies. Skowhegan police also provided assistance.”

No arrests were made at the time, but the brawl, which went on past 1 a.m. Thursday, remains under investigation, Ross said. He said the people involved appeared to be in their early to mid-20s.

Ross said there was a broken windshield and a broken taillight on vehicles at the scene. It also appeared that underage drinking was going on, but “because of everything going on at once, no one was able to be charged as people left the scene.”

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