I read with interest your article in the May 20 edition of the Forecaster concerning the municipal budget for 2017.

You mention that there is money allocated for an assistant town manager at $84,500 and a sustainability coordinator at $61,000.

This from a town that a few years back told its citizens that we could no longer afford to absorb credit card swipe fees for property taxes and other fees paid to the town.

May I suggest that if the town manager, who, I am assuming, makes more than what is stated the assistant will make, cannot do his job without said assistant, perhaps we should find a manager who can.

As far as the sustainability coordinator is concerned, the last thing we need is another municipal official telling us how to run our lives.

What will this person do, start banning plastic bags and pesticides and generally make the lives of the citizens and business owners of Scarborough more difficult, as has happened in Portland and South Portland.

In these two positions, we have $145,500, which would be better spent fixing our crumbling roads or allocating more money to the police and fire departments.

Jon Spinner


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