How sad to see North Yarmouth in turmoil. On June 14, residents are being asked to approve ripping down most of the former North Yarmouth Memorial School and selling 10 acres of the site for a private, 32-lot housing development, permanently slicing apart 60 acres of continuous town property.

Real planning solves problems. This project solves only one: rebuilding Wescustogo Hall. There’s no overarching town center plan that this fits into, that looks to the future, that wisely preserves this key piece of town property.

This is the result of a sadly pervasive attitude: “I’m sick of this issue. Who cares? Let’s just vote this thing in.”

But, oh, what a huge mistake. The worst decisions are made when you’re angry, or burned out, or have run out of good ideas.

Take a deep breath and vote “no,” North Yarmouth. And then let’s plan this right. We can do better.

Katie Murphy

North Yarmouth

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