Bridgton High School Class of 1956 60th Reunion, 1 p.m. Saturday, Campfire Grill, Route 302, Bridgton. Fee based on menu selection. To reserve a spot, call Gary Locke at 627-4992.

South Portland High School Class of 1966 50th Reunion, 6 p.m. to midnight Saturday, Italian Heritage Center, Portland. Featuring appetizers, dancing to music of the 1960s, a cash bar and casual attire. Cost: $33. Contacts: Linda at 838 6605 or Julie at

The New England Chapter of the Naval Cryptologic Veterans Association Mini-Reunion, Sept. 23-15, Double Tree Hilton (Bradley International Airport), Windsor Locks, Conn. Contact: Vic Knorowski at 518-664-8032 or Art Gowie at 941-1080. For hotel information, go to

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