SOUTH PORTLAND — The City Council will consider updating the city manager’s written job description on Monday, dramatically increasing the list of desired qualifications and responsibilities as it prepares to launch a candidate search to fill the position.

The current description is just over a page long and largely consists of broad duties associated with the job, such as hiring and firing city employees, preparing a municipal budget each year and helping the council identify, assess and respond to problems in the city.

In a special workshop that starts at 6 p.m., the council will discuss a proposed job description that’s nearly four pages long and provides much more detailed information about the position’s expected qualifications, abilities, powers, duties and physical demands.

The council is seeking a replacement for Jim Gailey, who resigned in July to become assistant manager of Cumberland County. Gailey worked for the city for decades and had served as city manager since 2007.

Added requirements outlined in the proposed job description include conducting annual performance evaluations of department heads, maintaining communication with other jurisdiction officials on regional issues and being able to work long hours, attend many night meetings, manage confidential information, use social media and work successfully with diverse groups.

The proposed job description also includes educational qualifications that aren’t listed in the existing document:


“(A) master’s degree in public administration or related field is preferred, along with considerable experience in a responsible managerial position, preferably in local government, or any equivalent combination of education and management experience that has prepared the individual to successfully perform the broad duties and responsibilities of the position.”

The city manager also must “possess and maintain a valid Maine Class C driver’s license with a good driving record.”

The council also will consider a proposed timeline for the city manager search, which would include advertising the job opening by Aug. 24, starting candidate interviews by Oct. 3 and announcing a new city manager by Nov. 7.

In addition, the council will hold an information-gathering session on the city manager search on Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the council chamber at City Hall.

The council hopes to learn what the community believes are the major challenges facing the city and the qualifications a new city manger should have. Anyone who is unable to attend may email comments to

Don Gerrish, a consultant hired to serve as interim city manager, will facilitate the meeting and present an overview of the search process.


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