If you were planning to give the gamers in your life new consoles before they head back to school, you may want to hold off.

A report from the Wall Street Journal indicates that Sony will release two models of the PlayStation early next month: a high-end model with enhanced graphics and a new version of the console’s standard model. The Verge has also published images of a slimmer console with PlayStation 4 branding from someone claiming to have the new device. On forums at the gaming site NeoGAF, others have posted similar photos claiming to show a new PlayStation model.

Sony did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the rumors. The company had confirmed that it is working on an updated PlayStation, code-named Project Neo. But the Journal’s report is the first hint that the firm is planning two models for the near future.

It’s not clear whether the pictures published by the Verge and on the forums are two separate models. It’s also unclear whether either is the Project Neo model. But if Sony does as the Journal story suggests and releases two models, it will be using the same game plan as its arch-rival in the gaming world, Microsoft.

In June, Microsoft announced a slimmer version of the Xbox One, called the Xbox One S, which is now on sale. At the same time, the company confirmed it will release a more powerful version of the Xbox, code-named Project Scorpio, next year.

Both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One first hit the market in 2013. Usually, companies have waited at least five years to release new hardware. The shorter lull between completely new models could anger some customers who dropped up to $400 on a brand-new console in the recent past.

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