The mayor shall be the official head of the city, responsible for providing leadership, and shall have the following powers and duties:

(a) To articulate the city’s vision and goals and build coalitions to further such vision and goals. The mayor shall give an annual state of the city address during a special meeting of the city council called for that purpose;

(b) To convene and lead an annual workshop session of the city council to discuss and identify the city’s goals and priorities in order to provide guidance for the city manager and to inform the public. The city manager shall attend this workshop session, and a summary of the session shall be made available to the public;

(c) To represent the city with other municipalities, levels of government, community and neighborhood groups, and the business community;

(d) To preside as chair of the city council, and vote upon all matters in the same manner as other members of the city council, except as provided in article VII, section 8. The mayor shall direct the city manager in the preparation of council meeting agendas;

(e) To facilitate the implementation of city policies through the office of the city manager;


(f) To consult with and provide guidance to the city manager in the preparation of all city budgets and to provide comments on such budgets at the time they are presented by the city manager to the city council for approval;

(g) To consult with and provide guidance to the city manager in the preparation of the annual capital improvement program plan described in article VI, section 5, paragraph (i), and to provide comments on such program plan at the time it is presented by the city manager to the city council;

(h) To facilitate among the city manager, city council, board of public education and the public to secure passage by the city council of the annual city and school budgets;

(i) To exercise veto power over the annual city appropriation as provided in article VII, section 8;

(j) To establish performance guidelines in conjunction with the other members of the city council for regular evaluations, no less than annually, by the city council of the performance of the city manager, corporation counsel and city clerk, such evaluations to be based upon those guidelines. Such performance guidelines shall have measurable goals and objectives, taking into consideration, as applicable, the achievement of city policies and priorities;

(k) To chair any subcommittee with at least two (2) other city councilors to recommend the appointment or removal of the city manager, corporation counsel or the city clerk, but the full city council shall have the final decision in regard to such appointment or removal by a vote of at least five (5) members of the council; and

(l) To appoint the members and chairs of the city council committees and various ad hoc committees and communicate such appointments to the city council, which may override such appointments by a vote of at least six (6) council members. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the city manager shall be in charge of the day to day operations of the city and administration of the city budgets approved by the council.

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