On Sunday, I attended another rally in Portland. While I was buoyed by the diversity of faces and voices adding to the resistance, I couldn’t help but feel our momentum deflated by the absence of our demands. I saw signs enumerating the ways our leadership is disappointing us, heard the shouts denouncing President Trump’s divisive policies, and watched a parade of people speak to the impact of these policies on Mainers. What I didn’t observe was a call to action. Interspersed with the shouts against Trump were reminders of the ways that Sen. Susan Collins has supposedly supported us. What I didn’t hear was a demand for her removal from office.

What will it take for Maine voters to demand a true representative in office? What will be the last straw? How many times will we bear the weight of her votes against education, health care, and the other values we hold dear? Her votes reflect her allegiance and she has proved over and over again that she is not on our side.

Many Mainers believe that Collins has been a champion for our state. That time has passed. We can no longer ignore that she does not have our best interests in mind. Our way of life is being threatened and our values are being undermined. When I am threatened, I don’t say thank you; I make demands. The time has come to demand a replacement.

Laura Cyr

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