Your Feb. 1 headline and story claiming that Sen. Susan Collins will not support Betsy DeVos as the nominee for secretary of education is terribly misleading and perpetuates the nonsense that Ms. Collins is somehow independent.

The facts are that, on Jan. 31, Susan Collins, as a member of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, voted to allow the DeVos nomination to go forward.

Had Sen. Collins voted “no” while the matter was before the committee, the nomination would have stopped. Sen. Collins voted “yes” at the committee level, knowing that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell would let her and Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, vote “no” on the nomination on the Senate floor to allow them to continue on with their misleading impression of “independence” because he already had the votes to ensure passage of the nomination.

As is so often the case with Sen. Collins – when it made a difference, Sen. Collins didn’t make a difference.

John Lambert


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