I am grateful to this newspaper for publishing the fine Maine Voices column by Karen Sanford on May 5.

Mainers, and especially citizens of Portland, need to be reminded of the absolute importance of their ongoing vigilance in safeguarding Portland’s working waterfront. As fishing is Maine’s prime industry, deep-water berthing, regardless of periodic fish decline and resurgence, must necessarily be maintained for the economic good of Portland and our state.

And I don’t mean squished in, as if it were the least important of Portland’s industries, but rather, in the area that is most convenient and beneficial to fishing boat business. It must be kept available, superseding all other seekers of space: offices, restaurants, hotels. What is paramount is unthreatened deep-water berthing for Maine’s fishing industry.

Portland’s working waterfront is absolutely dependent for its protection on the vigilant and responsible voters of Portland. Attention must be paid. Does not the City Council bear responsibility in its decisions for providing an accommodating environment for Maine’s fishermen at dockside and attending Commercial Street? It does!

Read the May 5 Maine Voices column.

Loretta MacKinnon


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