I will be voting “yes” June 13 in favor of the Scarborough school budget. Local elected officials and administrators have presented a reasonable budget that will keep up all of the services as the town continues to grow.

The projected property-tax rate increase is 3.5 percent. The red flags come from the state of Maine! Our schools will receive $1.4 million less than last year, and 70 percent less than 2009 levels. And let’s not forget the state cuts on the municipal side.

Budgets can be cut some, but at what point do services suffer? The state should spend responsibly, but these dramatic cuts to public education and shifting the tax burden to property owners seem irresponsible. I have no party affiliation, so I have to ask my legislators: Where is the compromise?

All of our services and officials do an amazing job – let’s support them! One town, one budget!

Go, Storm!

Paul Stratis


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