Library group offering free teen movies during summer

The Friends of the Wells Public Library will offer a free Summer Teen Movie at 5 p.m. Thursdays at the library, 1434 Post Road.

There will be three early-evening screenings of movies each month this summer to give you a chance to chill with friends and earn raffle tickets toward prizes.

For more details, email Jade Austin at jaustin@wellstown.org or call 646-8181.



Need to recycle electronics? Church hosts event Saturday

St. Paul’s Anglican Church will oversee an Electronics Recycling Day event from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at the Westgate Shopping Center parking lot, 1364 Congress St. and Stevens Avenue.

For a cash donation of $5 for small drops or more for larger items and amounts, community members can drop off their used/unwanted electronics.

Cash and checks are payable to St. Paul’s Anglican Church.

Acceptable items include TVs, personal computers, monitors, laptops, stereos, phone systems, fax machines, VCRs, cameras, and more. Appliances, household batteries, needles, paint or any hazardous materials will not be accepted.

For more details, go to stpaulsportland.org or call 415-4779.



CIA veteran to discuss Saudi Arabia at meeting

The Association of Former Intelligence Officers will hold its final meeting of the season at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Dorothy Stevens Community Center, 80 Thompson Road.

Dr. Charles Cogan, a CIA veteran, will speak on Saudi Arabia as it relates to current world affairs, based on his varied background in intelligence, the military, journalism and special studies. Cogan is a senior research associate at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, an affiliate at the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies and the Center for European Studies at Harvard University, a journalist and a military officer. He spent 23 years of his CIA career on assignments overseas.

The meeting is free and the public is invited to attend.



Civil War re-enactment will include pig roast, barn dance

A pig roast and barn dance will be held Saturday evening at the Washburn-Norlands Living History Center as part of Rally for Norlands, a two-day benefit event featuring the largest Civil War re-enactment in Maine.

The pig roast begins at 5 p.m. and includes pulled pork, cornbread, baked beans, coleslaw, macaroni salad, rhubarb apple crisp and rhubarb lemonade. Valley View Farm of Auburn is providing the ingredients and the pig and preparing it onsite. Tickets are $12 for adults and $8 for children. To buy tickets, go to norlands.org/6th-rally-for-norlands.html or call 897-4366.

At 6 p.m., join Union and Confederate Civil War re-enactors as they dance in hoop skirts and Civil War uniforms. No costume is required. Live music will be provided by The Racket Factory of Central Maine.

Dancers of all abilities are welcome to arrive early, at 4 p.m., for dance lessons in the country folk style.

The barn dance is free with the purchase of a ticket to the pig roast or admission to the Civil War re-enactment event. Otherwise, a $5 donation is suggested.



Botanist to lead wildflower walk at Warren Woods

Join Scarborough Land Trust to discover the abundant wildflowers at Warren Woods, some 156 acres permanently protected at 371 Payne Road.

The free walk for all ages will be led by botanist Kelsey Kaufman and Warren family member Becky Seel.

Wear boots for wet areas.

For directions and a trail map, visit scarboroughlandtrust.org or call 289-1199 for more information.

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