VIENNA — An Austrian law that forbids any kind of full-face covering including Islamic veils has claimed an unusual victim – a man wearing a shark suit.

Police say they issued a citation Monday after the man – part of a street advertising campaign for the McShark computer chain stores – refused several requests to take off his shark head.

This photo was posted on the Warda Network ad agency’s Facebook page with the text: “Today we were at the McSHARK shop opening with our shark mascot got a ticket from the Vienna police due to the new ban! Life is not simple!”

In effect this month, most full face coverings are prohibited in public in Austria, including off-slope ski masks, surgical masks outside hospitals and party masks on the street. Popularly known as the “burqa ban,” the law is mostly seen as directed at the clothing worn by some ultra-conservative Muslim women.

Violations carry a possible fine of 150 euros (nearly $180). Only a handful of citations have been issued.

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