The name anemone covers a wide variety of flowers. Some bloom in spring and others in fall. Some are herbaceous perennials, with fibrous roots, and others are planted in fall along with your tulips and daffodils.

Anemone blanda, sometimes called Grecian windflower, is one anemone that should be planted now.

While most people will call the items you plant bulbs, technically they are rhizomes. They are asymmetrical blobs that you could soak for a couple of hours before planting, but that isn’t actually required.

They want well-drained soil with at least a half a day of sun, and because they grow only four inches tall they make a nice underplanting with tulips, daffodils and other taller spring bloomers.

Anemone blanda produces daisy-shaped flowers and comes in white and pink, but blue is highly popular because it is so rare to find blue flowers. The centers are green and yellow.

Dig the holes about 3 inches deep and space the bulbs a few inches apart. Water after planting. They may grow a little in the fall, but probably not if you are planting them this late.

The anemones bloom early in the spring and won’t be hurt if cut for small bouquets. Leave the foliage in place after the flowers go by.

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