Donald Trump is a dangerous, self-serving, narcissistic nightmare for this country and the world.

The real source of disgust, however, is those flag-waving elected officials from the “law and order” party who are ignoring the clear and present danger of foreign interference in our elections and simultaneously trashing our institutions and truly patriotic men and women by disseminating lies, also known as “fake news.”

All this to provide cover for a man with no regard for law and who is looking increasingly guilty on many fronts. Why, you ask? Is it because they see the writing on the wall (collusion and obstruction) and know that their opportunity to serve their paymasters is going to be short-lived?

There is a tsunami coming, my friends. It is a wave of patriotic decency, made up of young and old, male and female, all colors, creeds and lifestyles. It is all that is great about our country, and it will wash away all the opportunists – along with the criminal squatting in the White House.

Gregg Mcnally

New Gloucester

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