Nearly two months after Anthony Borges was shot numerous times while shielding classmates from gunfire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, the 15-year-old has been released from the hospital, his attorney said.

CNN reported that the boy had barricaded a door to try to protect his fellow students when he was shot five times on Feb. 14 in Parkland, Fla.

Seventeen students and staff members were killed, and 17 others were injured in one of the deadliest school massacres. Anthony is the last of the wounded survivors to be released from the hospital, according to CNN.

Anthony told NBC’s “Today” show Wednesday morning that he had thought he was “going to die” and that now he just feels lucky to be alive.

“I feel good,” he said.

Anthony’s attorney, Alex Arreaza, said Wednesday that the teen was released over the weekend and that, although he is thinner and weak, Anthony is in “good spirits.”


Arreaza told The Washington Post that one bullet had “clipped” the teen’s liver and three others had hit his legs. He said that because of the boy’s injuries, doctors had to remove part of one of his lungs.

Arreaza said that Anthony cannot speak for long periods of time without becoming winded and that the teen will need physical therapy and possible treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder.

But, he said, the boy is “happy he’s home.”

“He’s a little shellshocked right now,” Arreaza said. “But his spirits changed completely once he got home. The most noticeable thing is that he was smiling a lot more.”

Anthony was asked on the “Today” show whether he knew he was a hero – and he shook his head.

“He’s a hero in my book,” his attorney said. He added that Anthony is “the real deal.”

Arreaza said it’s unclear at this time whether the teen will return to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. He said last month that the teen’s family intends to sue Broward County, Broward County Public Schools and the Broward County Sheriff’s Office for failing to protect the students.

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