While it is clear we have an abundance of good people running for the Democratic nomination for governor, I urge you to consider casting your vote June 12 for Adam Cote, who is a standout even in this impressive field.

Adam is a Mainer, born and bred, educated at Sanford High School, Colby College and the University of Maine School of Law; he brings to his candidacy an innate understanding of the unique and marvelous character of this state and of its people. He sees the potential and the possibilities. His experience, however, comes from outside Augusta, as he served on statewide boards and supported Democratic candidates and core values for 26 years without succumbing to the bickering and finger-pointing common to career politicians.

One of his opponents calls him a “businessman,” as though that is a bad thing, but Adam knows the next governor has the moral imperative to work with the business community to help expand the economy and to create jobs.

A man of honor and principle, and a leader tested under the most trying of circumstances, he is a decorated combat veteran and a retired major in the Maine Army National Guard, and was deployed to Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan. In response to the needs he recognized in native populations, he created the Adopt an Iraqi Village program, reaching out to his fellow Mainers for aid. Adam was honored by President Obama as a White House Champion of Change for his work as a veteran “to advance clean energy initiatives and promote greater climate security.”

Adam is a husband, father of five youngsters, lawyer and entrepreneur, a good and decent man. He is also a Democrat who is actually electable, who will attract voters from all sides; he can – and will – unite a fractured state with his leadership and vision. Please vote for Adam Cote in the June 12 primary.

Laurie J. Macdonald


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