As I write this, another school – the 23rd this year, according to CNN – is reeling in the wake of a shooting. And yet Maine’s Democrats might nominate a candidate with an A/A+ lifetime score from the National Rifle Association.

Janet Mills has a long record on gun safety, and it is a record that should make voters pause. Mills opposed letting public universities ban guns from their campuses; she opposed requiring background checks for gun sales at gun shows; she supported letting Maine enter into more concealed-carry reciprocity agreements with other states. Even the most modest attempts to regulate gun use – the ability of local authorities to regulate outdoor shooting ranges per local noise ordinances – were too much for Janet Mills. Her legislative career shows an unwillingness to consider, much less advocate, common-sense gun safety measures.

And yet, candidate Mills is singing a very different tune. Recognizing that the political winds have shifted, she claims to support any number of gun regulations. But why should we trust her, when she had her chance to act and chose to stand with the NRA, rather than Maine families? Actions speak louder than words, and Mills’ actions make clear that she is not a candidate we can trust to push forward gun-safety legislation.

Luckily, Maine Democrats have a number of good candidates to consider for our coming primary. Adam Cote, Mark Dion, Mark Eves and Betsy Sweet have all earned the distinction of being Moms Demand Action Gun Sense candidates. These are the candidates we can trust to actually take action, not just make convenient campaign promises. As the mother of two young children, I implore my fellow Democrats to nominate one of these individuals. Maine families deserve better than Janet Mills.

Meghan Roberts


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