Anita Minks had just bought a decorative glass globe at the Goodwill store near her Missouri home – and when she opened up the back of it, she saw something alarming inside: human ashes.

The globe cost $2 and had a printed prayer inside the glass dome. It also displayed a photo of a smiling woman.

Minks, 65, asked her daughter, Jeni Kinney, what to do.

“I was like, ‘Let me post on Facebook and see what happens,’ ” said Kinney, 25.

By the following day, her post had been shared more than 1,000 times; one commenter said she knew the smiling woman in the picture.

“Omg that’s momma Tammy!!!!!!!! Thats one of my good friends mom,” she said.

So Kinney contacted the daughter, Jasmin Ellis, 22, on Facebook. Ellis said she was stunned when she saw the photo of her mother, Tammy Ellis.

It turned out that Tammy Ellis gave the globe to her best friend with instructions to place some of Ellis’ ashes inside when she died, Jasmin Ellis said.

Later, it turned out, the globe was stolen from the friend’s storage unit, and eventually wound up in the Goodwill store. The globe and its contents were returned to Jasmin Ellis.

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