Not many believe that Donald Trump knows much about history; he’s uninterested in much of anything that came before him or is beyond his sphere.

Last week was difficult for Mr. Trump – several of his most trusted allies started flipping on him. His rage was only fueled more by the enormous outpouring of respect and admiration bestowed upon Sen. John McCain, first after the senator’s decision to stop treatment for cancer, followed by his death the next day.

Mr. Trump is so obsessed with being the center of attention that he continued his battle with a war hero even after the man’s death. He ordered the flag over the White House raised a day after John McCain’s death, only grudgingly agreeing to return it to half staff, despite protocol calling for lowering the flag until after the senator’s interment this coming Sunday.

The constant siege of attacks on our businesses and institutions is only increasing, and we should all start paying attention. The latest attack – on Google, for not showing enough support for our so-called “leader” – only fueled Mr. Trump’s anger. And Monday, his rage spilled over in warnings of violence. This “violence,” he said, will be perpetrated by Democrats should they win the midterms, by undoing all he has accomplished and leaving his supporters diminished.

It has long been my fear that this current White House occupant will stop at nothing, cares for no one but himself and will never surrender the power he currently holds. He has oxygenated the angry masses who seek no solution but rather are galvanized by the words and actions of a man who gives voice to their confused and dangerous views. After his latest outbursts, I couldn’t help but think ahead to this November and be reminded of the spark that led to Germany’s Kristallnacht (a wave of anti-Semitic Nazi violence) on what will be exactly its 70th anniversary.

Ineke Schair


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