In the weeks leading up to the School Board recall last winter, the Scarborough School Department was spiraling. Despite push-back from teachers and the community over proficiency-based education, start times, and Principal David Creech’s resignation, the board did nothing. But Alicia Giftos, Amy Glidden, April Sither, and Paul Johnson did something. They initiated the recall and led a community-wide effort to address problems that our leaders tried to ignore.

This is what leadership looks like. Giftos, Glidden, Sither, and Johnson assembled a team of community members, diverse in age, politics, and background. They led by example, often standing in front of Town Hall for hours at a time during the coldest March I can remember.

Giftos, Glidden, Sither, and Johnson gave us a voice, and they are committed to the community. If elected, they will work to ensure our community and our teachers maintain that voice. This is exactly the kind of leadership Scarborough needs.

Michelle T. Hayes

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