A Portland school board-sponsored study is underway that is considering the closure of Portland schools. This is a blatant disregard of the voters’ will and a break in the trust and faith of the people who voted for rebuilding all four elementary schools.

Voters passed a $64 million bond to renovate Longfellow, Lyseth, Presumpscot and Reiche elementary schools with 60 percent or more of the vote. I hope, as a voter, that others are also outraged that such overwhelming support by the voters is not being taken seriously by the school board and City Council.

Considering closure of any of the four elementary schools that were authorized to be renovated under the bond is not keeping faith with the voters. The voters made it clear that they support our community schools and they are willing to pay for good, equitable neighborhood schools.

We are not overspending on education in Portland – we are paying a lower school tax rate than any of our surrounding cities and towns, except for Westbrook.

As the parent of a Presumpscot Elementary School student, I was shocked to hear from Superintendent Xavier Botano, at a neighborhood meeting Oct. 15, that Presumpscot was being considered for closure. He also stated that the school board had already assessed that there were seats for all of our children at the various surrounding schools and that redistricting had already been looked at.

I hope that the people of Portland feel Presumpscot should not be closed. We love and need our school just like you love and need yours. It is about community. Please stand with us to protect all our schools and make sure the voice of the voter is heard.

Bradford Post


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