I am writing to express my support for Deqa Dhalac as South Portland city councilor to represent District 5.

She has a master’s degree in social work from the University of New England and a master’s from the University of New Hampshire in developmental policy and practice. She has experience in social services and public and mental health and is a passionate advocate for children and families in Maine.

Ms. Dhalac, originally from Somalia, came to the U.S. in 1992 and is the mother of three. She’s a leader of the Somali Community Center of Maine, board president for the Maine Immigrant Rights Coalition and a board member of the Maine Women’s Fund. Her life and work demonstrate caring and respect for others. Her knowledge and skills will be a vital asset to our community.

I highly recommend her, and I urge residents to vote for her in Tuesday’s special election.

Susan Henderson

at-large city councilor

South Portland

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