KENNEBUNK — Administrators at Kennebunk High School have announced top academic performers achieving distinction on the school’s honor roll for the first quarter of the 2018-2019 school year.

In order to qualify for the KHS Honor Roll, students must have a 2 or higher on the Guiding Principles.


High Honors

Tyler Adams, Camden Bard, Annika Barstow, Hannah Beaupre, Cooper Belo, Cole Binette, Nellie Boyle, Nora Burke, Andrea Collin, Virginia Crimp, Garrett Dickinson, Willa-Maya Dowling, Sofie Dumas, Sydney Dumas, Elsa Engesser, Sophia Esch, Brianna Flanders, Samantha Fortin, William Fox, Arija Grant, Ivy Hammer-Gumbrell, Elaina Hammond, Lily Hansen, Mary Hauser, Lily Hebert, Lydia Highbarger, Reilly Holder, Ethan Kahn, Ty Kane, Connor Keefe, Joseph Kiezulas, Ian MacDonald, Chase MacIver, Owen Marquez, Lily Martin, Audrey McEnaney, Hazel McEnaney, Samantha McGrath, Ainsley Morrison, Robert Moxham, Ian Murray, Lucas Nadeau, Margaret Nelson, Nika O’Reilly, Rachael Plaisted, Lauren Poulin, Rowan Pow, Grace Radel, Camilla Rawlings, Isabella Real, Alexandre Reed, Mae Richardson, Elaina Rioux, Sarah Rosen, Simone Ruediger, Kate Russell, Landon Schwartzman, Nate Seitz, Elized Soule, Emalee Stackpole, Cullen Stevens, Molly Sweeney, Adia Thomas, Sophie Turner, Caroline Wendle, Liam Westley, and Kaia Wirth.



Sean Agakian, Pyper Ames, Keegan Andrews, Connor Barrett, Mallory Boarts, Ella Boxall, Lucien Breault, Noah Champagne, Garrett Clukey, Riley Coron, Julia Duggan, Finley Fairfield, Trevor Fecko, Arianna Fourtzialas-Price, Bailey Hanson, Andrew Keene, Kendall Kennedy, Jacek Kudas, Ava Kull, Callie LaRose, Isaac Leveille, Eliza Mason, Connor McGarry, Alec Midgley, Brady Morin, Andrew Palmeri, Connor Patterson, Maddison Pike, Noelle Plaisted, Peter Ramundo, Garrett Robinson, Dylan Roche, Emily Rossics, Emilie Santerre, William Smith, Henry Stauss, Riley Stevens, Caroline Van Hemel, Noah Williams, Peter Wirth, Sadie Yentsch, and David York.


High Honors

Nicholas Albaum, Jack Andrews, Emily Archibald, Talia Banglmaier, Adelin Barstow, Quinn Battagliese, Hannah Cartwright, Owen Chestnut, Taryn Comegys, Caleb Congdon, Neely Connor, Taylor Creech, Nathaniel Cripps, Dominic DeFeo, Madison Demmons, Irish Dils, Lance Dinino, Cooper Durcan, Olivia Durham, Sarah Durham, Jack Egan, Garrett Erickson-Harris, Myra Esquivel, Kevin Finn, Christopher Fortin, Danielle Gassman, Phebe Grant, Caitlin Gyimesi, Sarah Hetzel, Sophia Hines, Hope Hoffman, Michael Jarowicz, Thomas Johnson, Abigail Lemieux, Oliver Leonard, William Lindstrom, Ainsley Luken, Savannah Madore, Tyler Mann, Benjamin Marquis, Ian Martin, Mae McDougald, Anela McMichael, Ruth Metcalfe, Alexander Miale, Matthew Murer, Paige Nguyen, Abigail Nolette, Matteson Orendorf, Liana Osgood, Xavier Pettis, Jackson Pow, Liam Prichard, Corinna Rec, Hannah Rickert, Zachary Robbie-Johnston, Nina Sharp, Libby Shea, Maeve Sheehan, Katherine Sullivan, Samuel Tartre, Joseph Thompson, Luke Towne, Lillian Tryon-Nadeau, Nevyn Williamson, Leah Wimpfheimer, and Makayla Wright.


Mason Aiello, Cameron Bennett, Sydney Brown, Zak Burgess, Lilian Burne, Angela Cerone, Samantha Chaves, Ella Compton, Donavyn Corcoran, Kiara Davis, Toby Dunne, Luc Gaucher, Isabella Genest, Aiyana Gillard, Robin Gorham, Ethan Jellison, Thomas Johns, Samuel Johnson, Zachary Jones, Halle Kimball, Gavin Kirn, Noah LaRose, Hunter Lachance, Jillian Lapoint, Abigail Larrabee, Adam Lux, Skylar Maloney, Kenna McLeod, Hannah Mereness, Jordan Moreau, Lucy O’Neil, Gianna Olson, Ryan Parsons, Jenna Payne, Madelyn Robbie-Johnston, Emily Robinson, Peter Santoro, Lily Schwartzman, Grady Seaward, Lucy Stone, Jacob Sullivan, Noah Sylvanus, Matthew Taggart, Alexandra Tanguay, Connor Thompson, Nathan Upton, Aaron Waitt, Aiden Ward, and Courtney White.



High Honors

Isabel Allers, James Altham, Declan Archer, Mia Banglmaier, Soudalath Beardsley, Allie Bennett, Nicole Bilodeau, Riley Cerabona, Alden Coldreck, Tiernan Connor, Ryan Connors, Guliana Dupler, Miranda Durcan, Ethan Eickmann, Connor Ellis, Samuel Emery, Parker Fairfield, Isabel Fontaine, Benson Furber, Elliot Gere, Grace Girard, Emily Hogue, Charlotte Johnson, Dylan Johnston, Alex Kapantais, William Keene, Claudia Kenneway, Elizabeth Kiezulas, Henry Kindler, Abigale Lamontagne, Alexa Leigh, Isabelle Lockard, Meghan Lynch, Tobias Macedo, Michaela Machulis, Lily McMahon, Callister Montembeau, Haley Moody, Ellen Neale, Isabelle Okwuosa, Emma Pelletier, Benjamin Quist, Margaret Russell, Robert Sanders, Nolan Saunders, Kelly Small, Charlie Smith, Abigail Stevenson, Logan Strauss, Nicholas Teguis, Laszlo Toth, Sarah Weaver, Emma Westley, Allison Wuerthner, and Ella Yentsch.


Lilly Barros, Everett Beals, Laura Braddick, Nicholas Burgess, Timothy Burgess, Ariel Calandri, Grace Campanella, Kylie Campbell, Madeline Collier, Julia Connolly, Augustus Cote, Olivia Cox, Tristan Dugauquier, Kiera Emerson, Nathan Emmons, Emma Enis, Brian Foisy, Cameron Fox, Haddalene Gallagher, Kya Goncalves, Isabella Hammond, Maggie Hebert, Wesley Hundley, Tyler Hurlburt, Grant Kull, Andrew Ladd, Thomas Lazos, Danah MacLeod, Anna Mahoney, Camron Martin, Zachary Matthews, Riley McDermott, Graham McLaughlin, Tyler Moxham, Maxwell Murray, Thomas Oliver, Kyle Pasieniuk, Nicholas Quigley, Sean Radel, Gabriel Ramundo, Phillip Rossborough, Ethan Roy, Alaina Schatzabel, Matthew Smith, Julia Spaulding, Hayden Trufant, and Hunter Wells.



High Honors

Jason Albaum, Jacquelyn Allaire-MacDonald, Logan Bard, Joseph Bergeon, Sophie Burchill, Mason Burke, Molly Burne, Joseph Bush, Catherine Campbell, Thomas Charlton, Emma Chestnut, Lily Costa, Abigail Cotton, Delaney Cox, Samantha Creech, Emma Cripps, Hannah D’Orso, Lucia Davis, Dante DeLorenzo, Forrest Dils, Abigail Doherty, Nathaniel Durham, Colby Ellis, Kaitlyn Erb, Alexander Felvinci, Alexander Ferris, Charlotte Finer, Emma Flores, Francesca Gargano, Thomas Gurski, Emma Hackley, Alice Hauser, Brandon Hauser, Isabel Hauser, Molly Hetzel, Lindsay Hill, Grace Howard, Trea Hsieh-Lewis, Alvaro Huezo Coto, Christine Jarowicz, Zachary Johnson, William Jones, Jake Kitterman, Chase Lamontagne, Panagiotis Lazos, Abby Lennon, Cameron Lovejoy, Caroline Lowery, Casen Luck, Charles Metcalfe, Charlene Morin, Taylor Nguyen, Meg Noble, Joseph Parent, Eli Richardson, Allison Rickert, James Rogers, Colby Roy, Evan Schindler, Cameron Small, Derek Smith, Eva Stackpole, Carter Stevens, Linnea Sullivan, Zackary Sullivan, Trevor Sutton, Olivia Sweet, Maddison Tassinari, Abigail Thibeau, Sophie Thompson, Samuel Vaccaro, Thomas VanDeinse, Michael Walsh, Riley Washburn, Alexandra Weisheit, Caitlin Whalen, Margaret Yemma, Ian Zogg, and Leah Zunser.


George Anderson, Madison Arnold, Leah Bolduc, Andrew Brigham, Jacob Cook, Samantha Cook, Jacob Cyr, Taylor Davis, Savanna Dow, Wenter Dugovic, Caleb Dumas, Jessica Dupler, Juli Ennis, Mackenzie Esquivel, Laura Farmer, Brede Gibson, Jonathan Guay, Holden Johnson, Elizabeth Kellett, Hayley King, Benjamin Ladlow, Seth Lefebvre, Hannah Marquis, Grace McGovern, Thomas McNally, Cameron Munro, Saami Murray, Amelia Nelson, Lazarus Pierce, Julia Plaisted, Walker Robinson, Morgan Sharp, Grace Soucy, Grace Thompson, Jacob Towne, Gabriel Wilson, and Isaac Zahares.

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