BRUNSWICK — Maine native Nate Wildes said that after he moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 2012, he knew he’d be back to “the way life should be.”

He just didn’t know how long it would take.

Now he’s not only back to where he once belonged, but Wildes is also helping others find their niche in the Pine Tree State.

Wildes, who co-founded Flight Deck Brewing at Brunswick Landing in 2017, was recently appointed executive director of Live + Work in Maine, after having served as an independent marketing consultant for the organization for several years.

The University of Maine graduate moved to the Midwest for a consulting job after earning his bachelor’s degree in political science. But he said Vacationland is where he wanted to raise a family. Wildes and his wife moved back to Maine in 2014, and now have a home in Bath.

“I grew up in Maine and came running back because of the lifestyle,” Wildes said recently. “The lifestyle here isn’t like any other. We have such great access to the outdoors and you cannot find that many other places.”


Through his new position, Wildes is focused on raising awareness about the job opportunities that are available in Maine and the quality of life Maine has to offer.

Live + Work in Maine is an initiative that was created to increase awareness and education about career opportunities in Maine while promoting the state’s quality of life.

“My position will have me focusing on building partnerships with employers while promoting engagement with people seeking jobs, and we ultimately want to increase the number of people who choose to live and work here in Maine,” Wildes said.

“Maine employers are growing at a rapid rate and they need employees. Maine is unique and we want people to see how great life can be here.”

According to Ed McKersie, the founder of Live + Work in Maine, Wildes, who has been with the company since 2016, is the perfect person for the job.

“Since joining Live + Work in Maine, Nate has done an awesome job of developing partnerships,” McKersie said. “What sets Nate apart is how he’s moved away from Maine and he knows firsthand what Maine has to offer.”


Wildes said, “Maine is facing some demographic issues, as we are one of the oldest states in the nation,” he said. “That’s why my job as executive director is going to be helping potential job candidates realize what kind of life they can have in Maine and really promote.”

Wildes plans to continue his affiliation with Flight Deck, too.

“My job with Flight Deck is just like my new position with Live + Work in Maine,” he said. “Its more of a community engagement position, so I still plan on working with the brewery.”

Updated Feb. 4, 2019, to correct Wildes’ place of residence.

Nate Wildes of Harpswell, founder of Flight Deck Brewing at Brunswick Landing, is the new executive director of Live + Work in Maine, a private-sector initiative to promote employment in the state.

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