Mainers need LD 820, sponsored by Rep. Joyce “Jay” McCreight, D-Harpswell, to prevent discrimination in insurance coverage for pregnant women. This bill requires all insurance plans that include prenatal care coverage to also provide coverage for abortions. Maine law does not currently ensure that a woman who needs an abortion, even when her doctor tells her it is medically necessary, is covered by her health insurance or public programs like MaineCare.

Today private insurance companies can deny coverage of an abortion even when a woman’s life is endangered or her pregnancy is the result of an assault. Abortions should be covered just like other forms of medical care and insurance companies should not be permitted to exclude abortion coverage as long as a woman’s insurance also covers prenatal care. The bill provides an exclusion if the required coverage conflicts with a religious employer’s legitmate religious beliefs and practices.

Mainers should call or write their state representatives and senators and urge them to protect the rights of Maine women and vote for LD 820.

Robin A. Casey

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