Friends of the Library

Professional organizers can’t hold a candle to the Friends of the New Gloucester Public Library.

Member Beverly Cadigan, chronicling the process of sorting the books that are contributed to the library, says the librarians first categorize the donated books, retaining some of them to add to the inventory. The remainder are put in crates and brought down into the labyrinth of rooms found in the library’s basement.

Starting their week on Tuesday mornings, the Friends sort the remaining books into a multitude of categories, such as World Culture, U.S. History and Science Fiction. Friends President Deb Chandler performs the initial sorting; distributing books to each member responsible for a particular section. The books are shelved accordingly.

The group’s foremost mission is to host a book and bake sale twice a year providing a steady revenue stream to augment the library’s annual budget. Thousands of dollars are raised and the funds are used primarily for the purchase of books, movies and digital media; guest speakers, kindergarten kick-off and park passes for library patrons.

Last fall, the Friends received a Spirit of America Foundation award. Unfortunately, their invitation to that awards ceremony was not received due to an incorrect mailing address. They were then invited to a recognition ceremony for all the 2018 award winners in the Hall of Flags at the State Capitol Building on Thursday, April 11. Some members planned to be in attendance.


Public acknowledgment of the vital work performed by the Friends of the New Gloucester Public Library is well-deserved. Members wish to remind the community that donations of books, games, and DVDs are being sought year-round.

Special jazz concert

Legendary jazz clarinetist Brad Terry will be joined by guitarist Peter Herman for a special concert at the Village Coffeehouse, First Congregational Church Vestry, 19 Gloucester Hill Road, at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 20.

Terry and Herman will perform a variety of standard jazz tunes and, fusing their combined talents, may surprise the audience with spontaneous and harmonious new jazz creations.

Admission is $10 per person, and tickets are available at the door. For more information contact Julie Fralich at or 653-4823.

Historical society program


Amy Whitmore, development coordinator at the Morrison Center, a southern Maine social service agency, will be the speaker for the Thursday, April 18, meeting of the New Gloucester Historical Society. This free, public program will be held at the Meetinghouse, 389 Intervale Road, and will start at 7 p.m. Refreshments will be served.

Celebrate Easter Sunday

On Sunday, April 21, the First Congregational Church of New Gloucester will hold  a 5:45 a.m. sunrise service on Gloucester Hill at Opportunity Farm/Morrison Center, 215 Gloucester Hill Road. Bring a stick for the new fire and, if you’d like, a bell/noisemaker for when the sun appears at 5:48 a.m. Worship in the sanctuary starts at 9:30 a.m. at the church located at 19 Gloucester Hill Road.

Managing retirement

New Gloucester Parks and Recreation is sponsoring a Managing Retirement Series at 6 p.m. on Mondays, April 22, April 29 and May 6. Attendees will learn about estate planning, health care and social security from experts at Edward Jones.

The location will be the New Gloucester Community Building, 381 Intervale Road. The cost will be $15 per person for all three sessions. Register at and use promo code “Save19” to receive $5 off.

Betty Kolda, left, Yvette Knight, Deb Chandler, Beverly Cadigan, Phoebe Hardesty and Kathleen Potter are among the members of the Friends of the New Gloucester Public Library. The group’s primary mission is to host a book and bake sale twice a year providing a steady revenue stream to augment the library’s annual budget.

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