YARMOUTH — Residents will get two opportunities in June to vote on the proposed $26.6 million school budget, which would add 65 cents per $1,000 of valuation to the tax rate.

The fiscal year 2020 combined muncipal and school budget now pending before the Town Council totals $40.9 million. The municipal portion represents $14.3 million.

Under that combined spending package the tax rate would go up 93 cents, from $17.83 per $1,000 of valuation to $18.76, according to budget figures provided on the town website.

The first opportunity to vote on the new school budget will occur at the annual Town Meeting, 7 p.m. June 4 at Yarmouth High School.

During that meeting, Town Clerk Jennifer Doten said, residents would vote on the school budget article by article. Then on June 11, during the municipal election, voters would be asked to ratify the choices made at the Town Meeting.

In another referendum question, voters will be asked if they want to continue the two-step school budget approval process for another three years.


Also on the ballot are two uncontested candidates for School Committee: Chairwoman Anne Fleming, who is running for re-election, and newcomer Jessica Garrou, seeking the seat being vacated by Leah Guay.

Fleming, 42, said she is running again because she wants to support the schools “in an active way.” After three years on the School Committee, she said, she has the experience to “ask the hard questions that need to be asked.”

She said that’s particularly important as the School Department navigates the growth and demographic changes the schools are experiencing, which is impacting “all facets of our schools and community.”

Garrou did not respond to requests for comment on why she’s running for School Committee or what she hopes to accomplish.

Superintendent of Schools Andrew Dolloff this week said the “vast majority” of spending in the proposed school budget is needed to maintain the School Department’s current level of services with a growing population of students.

In addition, he said, ‘in order to keep students on track for future success, we must expand our programming.”

Dolloff said there’s a need for new English language learner teachers. “We are also seeing greater needs for students with mental and emotional health concerns,” he said.

Even though the School Department is asking for a 7% increase in school spending, Dolloff said “our per pupil expenditures remain among the lowest among higher-performing districts in southern Maine.”

Overall, Dolloff said that the School Department “strives to provide an appropriate education to a growing and diversifying student population. This budget allows us to keep pace with those growing needs,” while still operating efficiently.

Kate Irish Collins can be reached at 780-9097 or kcollins@theforecaster.net. Follow Kate on Twitter: @KIrishCollins.

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