Brunswick Junior High students hold Evening of Art and Science

 “Evening of Art and Science,” an annual celebration of learning, is a showcase of three events rolled into one that will be held Friday, May 31 at Brunswick Junior High.

Art Scoop is the end-of-year school-wide art show from 5-7 p.m., with displays of artwork from every student in school. Both 2D and 3D artwork will be shown. Art activities for all ages will be available, and free ice cream will be served in the cafeteria.

The sixth grade Science Fair is a year of science at a glance, with displays of learning and projects demonstrating scientific knowledge presented by students from 6-7 p.m. New this year are stop-motion animation videos that some students made. 

The eighth grade Astrobiology Symposium from 5:30-6:30 is a culmination of projects that show what the students have learned about life, space, Earth, and physical science over the course of a year. Knowledge will be shared in a wide variety of formats, from art projects, to science fiction writing, to designing a 

Students at St. John’s ‘moving up the food chain’

The entire student body at St. John’s Catholic School in Brunswick will stand side by side on Tuesday, June 4, to provide help and comfort to many community members in need.

From 8:30-9:30 a.m., the students will form a line that will stretch from the school at 37 Pleasant St. to the Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program facility at 84 Union St. The human chain will pass over 500 food and personal care items, donated by members of the St. John’s community, from the school to the facility.


“The human chain is a reflection of the students’ collective enthusiasm to give back to a community that has given them so much and to help our neighbors in need,” said Shelly Wheeler, principal at St. John’s. “Our students have grateful hearts and we are serving God when we serve one another.”

The MCHPP provides food for hundreds of local families through a food bank, food pantry, and soup kitchen.

“This is a service project, of course, but also an initiative that has become a labor of love and a wonderful tradition,” added Wheeler.

St. John students pass food along a human chain from their school to Midcoast Hunger Prevention program in Brunswick during the annual event last year.

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