As the furor over the report by special counsel Robert Mueller starts to wane in some of the media, the report should not be considered a closed issue.

The president has chosen to present the report as an exoneration of him, but I think that is not quite accurate.

The report states that a conspiracy was not established. With that, Mr. Mueller said that it was Congress’ responsibility to establish whether there were violations by the executive branch of our government.

With the refusal of Senate “leaders” Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham to perform their duties to uphold the Constitution, it appears that they and the attorney general, William Barr, are willing to let the situation rest.

Thank heavens that there are members of Congress who still have integrity. I urge all four of Maine’s members of Congress to take the time to read the entire report so they may form their own opinions about the matter. This is critical.

This hurry to claim a victory is a careless and dangerous ploy on the part of the White House and, apparently, the Republican leadership.

Chris Bove


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