I read, with surprise, the last paragraph in the Oct. 5 Washington Post editorial on California’s Fair Pay to Play law. It stated that scholarship athletes in lesser sports would not derive the opportunity to receive payments for ads and photo shoots, thus leaving them unprepared for life after college.

Please. A scholarship athlete receives four to five years of free tuition, board and expenses. In a private school, this is worth around $250,000; in a public school, around $150,000. They are taught by men and women of wisdom, which results in a college degree. They travel the country, and in some cases the world, with their teams representing their college. They accrue the benefits of participating in team sports. And they leave college debt free.

These young men and women are more than prepared to live a positive life after their college days. How fortunate they are.

Howie Vandersea

The Maine Chapter, National Football Foundation


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