Lisbon Police Sgt. Harry Moore shakes hands with Lisbon Fire Chief Nate LeClair Thursday as Lisbon police and firefighters give him a send-off Thursday to recognize his retirement after 40 years on the force. (Darcie Moore / The Times Record)
LISBON — Sgt. Harry Moore embraced past and present members of Lisbon Police Department who lined up to give a final salute as he left the police station for the last time Thursday afternoon.
Moore retired after serving 40 years with Lisbon police. He was ushered into a cruiser and driven home with a trail of police cruisers representing at least three agencies trailing behind, blue lights flashing.

Members of Lisbon Police Department, past and present, salute Sgt. Harry Moore outside the police station on Thursday afternoon. (Darcie Moore / The Times Record)
The U.S. Navy drew the Pennsylvania native to Lisbon. Moore joined the Navy in 1973 and worked on submarines. Not long before he left the Navy, he was transferred to the former naval airbase in Brunswick and lived in Lisbon. The air station, of course, didn’t have any submarines, so Moore was placed on shore patrol, the Navy’s version of law enforcement.
The 4-month stint opened the door to his next career. He applied to Maine State Police and Lisbon Police Department, which hired him in October 1978. He left for a year in 1980 to handle a family emergency but was rehired in July 1981.
Law enforcement allowed Moore to continue the sense of service he’s always had.
“I think it may have been God’s plan for me,” he said.
He worked within the department as a crash reconstructionist and juvenile officer but served as a patrol sergeant since 1983.
Several years ago, he served as a mentor through the Big Brother Big Sister program for a middle school student whose father was in the Army and was away from home a lot. The two spent a lot of time together and stayed in touch. His former “little brother” just turned 30 and plans to start off doing missionary work.
His hope is that every positive interaction like that has ripple effects, and will encourage someone else to reach out to police when they’re in trouble.

Lisbon Police Sgt. Harry Moore sits at his desk for the last time Thursday before retiring after 40 years with Lisbon Police Department. (Darcie Moore / The Times Record)
“We are not always the bad guy,” he said.
A former weight lifter, Moore has found one of the best tools when dealing with someone upset or even irate, is a hug.
“When you get done handling the business side of it, you say, ‘If you don’t mind, I’d like to give you a hug,'” he said. “I’ve never had anybody turn me down.”
One day a man just sobbed in his arms. People don’t expect it, “but when you do that, you can feel the emotion, a sense of relief or comfort … just to know that someone cares enough to be that close,” he said.
It’s those moments he’ll miss most, along with his co-workers.
After 40 years in law enforcement, he credits the strong bond between his fellow officers as well as his family for providing a strong support system.
The father of three has 11 grandchildren and foresees babysitting in his future. His daughter, Jennifer Moore, was one of several family members who came for his send-off Thursday.
She said her father was always gentle, humble and positive in his dealings with people.
“He taught us a lot,” she said.
Moore said he is interested in volunteering with veterans and plans to continue making those human connections.

Lisbon Police Sgt. Harry Moore kisses wife Patti Moore outside the police station Thursday as he retires after 40 years from Lisbon Police Department. (Darcie Moore / The Times Record)
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