Buxton Selectmen last week presented Don Warren with the Town Report dedicated in his honor. Pictured, from left, are Mark Blier, Tom Peters, Chad Poitras, Warren, Francis Pulsoni and Dennis Santolucito. Robert Lowell / American Journal
Town Report honors Warren
The 2018-2019 town report has been dedicated to Donald A. Warren, a longtime, public spirited resident. The five-member Selectboard greeted Warren in the special occasion at his home on Flaggy Meadow Road in Groveville where they unveiled the new town report.
Board Chairman Chad Poitras read the entire dedication printed in the report. In summation it reads, “It is with honor and great pleasure we dedicate this year’s annual Town Report to Donald Warren for his dedication and outstanding service to the town of Buxton.”
Warren, 89, was a member of the Groveville Fire Department and served as its secretary and treasurer for more than 40 years. He had served several years on Buxton’s Planning Board and the Budget Committee.
He also was on the Solid Waste Committee, was instrumental in designing the town’s transfer station and played a key role in closing the town’s dump.
Warren was raised on a dairy farm in Baldwin. He managed Wild Acres Turkey Farm in Steep Falls and later was employed by H.P. Hood. He and his wife, Virginia, built their home in 1958 and still reside there. They raised three daughters.
He and his wife cared for the North Congregational Church in Groveville for many years along with the community
Through the years, Warren was a familiar figure at weekly Selectmen meetings.
Marking the special honor Wednesday at the Warren home, Krystal Dyer, selectmen’s assistant, served pink lemonade and cupcakes.
Town Hall traffic pattern
Those doing business at Town Hall now must enter from the right side of the building, the Code Enforcement side, and exit through the front of the building.
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