Santa water skies on Thomas Pond to promote donations to the Raymond Food Pantry. Courtesy photo

Santa stocks up in July

The annual tradition of Santa’s water skiing ride in July for the Raymond Food Pantry continues on Thomas Pond. Thanks to all of the generous homeowners on Thomas Pond, food and cash were donated to the pantry last week. So far, the Raymond side of the pond has collected over 450 pounds of nonperishables as well as checks totaling $345. Thank you for the generosity of those who donated.

Free bulk food at school

RSU 14 provides summer meals (breakfast and lunch) Monday-Thursday at two locations throughout the summer. Every Thursday through Aug. 13 will be bulk food pickup. The RSU is collaborating with Westbrook School Nutrition Program for summer meals, so each day, food will be on a first-come-first-serve basis. Stop by if you are in need of healthy food for your children. This service is free for all children ages 18 and under. Food must be picked up by a parent/guardian (or other family designee) and all food must be consumed off site. Pickup times are 10:45-11:15 a.m. at Windham Middle School and 11:15-11:45 a.m. at Jordan Small Middle School.

Virtual book club

Raymond Village Library holds book clubs at 6 p.m. on the last Monday of the month. At 6 p.m. July 27 via Zoom, join patrons of the library for a virtual literary discussion of “Harry’s Trees” by Jon Cohen. Contact Melanie at to pre-register for upcoming book group meetings you are interested in attending. Once registered, you will receive an invite with Zoom meeting web link, meeting ID and password. For more information about monthly book club meetings or using Zoom, contact the library at 655-4823.

Raymond needs volunteers

If you are a Raymond resident and are looking for an opportunity to serve on any of the committees or boards, fill out an application and submit it to Town Clerk Sue Look at The Board of Selectmen consider all applications and make decisions for filling board and committee seats. Currently, volunteers are needed to fill vacancies on the following boards: Beautification Committee, Board of Assessment Review, Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals. For more information and to apply, visit the town website at or call the town office at 655-4742.

4-H ‘Maker’ classes

4-H Summer Programs are in full swing at Raymond Village Library. The program “Maker Mondays” is on July 27 and Aug. 24; kids learn to build items on their own, such as an outdoor tic-tac-toe set. The program is targeted towards kids ages 5-18. All programs and supply kits are free and current 4-H participation is not required. Contact Sara Conant at 781-6099 or with questions.

Alissa Messer can be contacted at

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