For six months, I’ve been an excellent COVID-19 citizen. Now I was ready to spread my wings a bit; there were two small gatherings to which I was invited. But I made the painful decision not to attend.

Why? Because the news came about the ongoing aftermath of the Millinocket wedding “celebration,” the Sanford minister (claiming love of “liberty”) sanctioning unsafe behaviors and the resulting spread of COVID-19 in York County. I am disappointed, but families of those who died or are ill are devastated. They are not celebrating or enjoying liberty right now.

Many key national elected officials seem not to care about us. However, we are fortunate to live in a state where our leaders, Gov. Mills, Center for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Nirav Shah and their teams, do care. Mainers must show we care about each other and look to the greater good.

For the record, I am a person of God and an active member of a church. The executive team at my church made the loving decision to continue Zoom worship to keep us safe.

For the record, I love liberty. I completed a full military career to support and defend freedom.

Regarding the religious aspect: Jesus turned over the tables in the temple when he was angry, and I’d bet he’d do the same thing today in the church in Sanford. Jesus is not your mask. Your mask is your mask. Man up and wear it.

Kathleen M. Koles
lieutenant colonel, U.S. Air Force (retired)

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