Sen. Susan Collins was born in Caribou and her family dates back to the 1840s in Maine. On the other hand, Sara Gideon was born and raised in East Greenwich, R.I. and has been a resident of Maine a whopping 15 years.

As a graduate of Maine Maritime Academy, I have seen what Collins has done for the academy, BIW, PNS, fishing industry and jobs. As chairperson of the  Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, she has helped the state receive $25 million this year to support affordable housing and  fight homelessness. Former Sen. William Cohen’s commentary in the Press Herald on Sept.18 exposed Sara Gideon’s blatant lies and false attacks on Susan Collins.

As a midshipmen we were taught not to take the wind out of someone else’s sails to increase our own. Why would Maine remove a respected, senior senator for someone from out of state without the experience or determination to defend our state and principles.

Bob Martel

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