We are facing a divisive time in our country. Hatred and violence are commonplace; the United States is no longer a place of refuge.

In Portland we have a bright spot, the Greater Portland Immigrant Welcome Center, a collaborative space for language acquisition, citizenship and civic engagement, business incubator and gathering place for New Mainers. Businesses, organizations and individuals have stepped up, supporting our belief that there is no “welcome” without “we.” Recently we lost our visionary leader, Alain Nahimana, but the foundation he started is strong, something on which to build.

Take this opportunity to align against hate. Seek opportunities to create unity and use the power of “we.” It is as simple as a “Be Kind to One Another” sign or update to a mission statement. At Coffee By Design, we are “dedicated to being an all-inclusive environment. Our desire to do what is right is unwavering. We are a great place for coffee and work. All are welcome at our table.”

Rep. Joe Kennedy, III, grandson of Robert F. Kennedy said, “You are not weak and you are not wrong. You are seen, you are heard, you count. This is your country. This is your home. America belongs to you too.”

Let us look at one another with love, not hatred. Focus on kindness and inclusivity, not divisiveness. Let us be humbled by the great sacrifices made by those before us ensuring that we and future generations may enjoy what it is to be an American.

Words to live by.

Mary Allen Lindemann
Co-Founder/Community Builder, Coffee By Design
Board Chair, Greater Portland Immigrant Welcome Center

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