Social media accounts

Director of External Affairs Biddeford Saco Old Orchard Beach Transit

BS Business Administration Husson University

Community Organizations:
PeoplesChoice Credit Union Board
The Food Commons-Fresno California Board
Maine Credit Union League Financial Literacy Committee -Chair

Personal information (hobbies, etc.):
history buff

Family status:
Married for 38 years 2 grown children


Years in the Legislature: none

Committee assignments (if elected):
Unknown but I have experience in Marine Resources, Transportation, budgeting and community and economic development


1) Are you satisfied with the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic? If yes, why? If not, what do you think should be done instead?
It concerns me that there isn’t a more balanced approach to the decision making. It seems unwise to allow large corporations to be open for business but not for small businesses to operate.

2) As the state tries to balance its upcoming budget in light of the reduction in tax revenue because of the pandemic, how would you decrease expenses or increase revenues?
Every agency will be asked to present a budget that reflects bare bones operational funding. We will not see increases in revenue and we can not put the burden on tax payers.

3) How does serving as a local politician in your respective party align with the larger goals of that party?
I fall in an interesting position. As a former commercial fisherman and coordinating director of a non-profit, I lean toward collaboration and the good of the whole. I want us to focus on the State

4) What do you think is the most pressing matter that pertains to the next generation of Mainers who may be voting for the first time?
We must stop the partisan bickering. Our State needs to encourage workforce growth. We need to encourage the trades and we need to craft a positive message.

5) Are you frustrated by the political sniping, exaggeration and even lies between the parties and their supporters that have threatened progress usually reached through respect and reasoned compromise? If so, what will you personally do to make the situation better?
My skill set is collaboration. The fishing industry and my work at the Chamber of Commerce focused on finding solutions. We need to focus on what is good for Maine. We must encourage business growth

6) If you are elected, is there anything in particular that you hope to accomplish? And briefly, why?
The next budget cycles will be a challenge. We need creative solutions. We need to grow our workforce and spin a positive impression of the State of Maine.

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