As a self-employed dog trainer, with a stay and train Airbnb, I require COVID vaccination for all vaccine-eligible clients, and masks for their children. It’s easier for us to focus on training when we don’t need to worry so much about viral loads. I’ve noticed that my approach to animal training attracts mostly liberal Democrats, and maybe that’s why my vaccine requirement here is not a problem.

So, forgive my shock at the response when I popped my question to a new dentist.

“I can tell you that everyone in our office has been offered a vaccine, but we aren’t allowed to ask if they’ve gotten it.”

Well, sorry, because I don’t want anyone within two border collies of my open mouth unless they are vaccinated. Happily, another provider (Dr. Chris Wnek in Freeport) had no problem reassuring me that everyone in their office had been vaccinated.

From farming or training methods, to hygiene standards in church halls and bars, even to safety standards of medical providers, today, the practical is impossible, and maybe toothpaste is the only thing that isn’t political! (Republicans and Democrats both use fluoride, am I right?)

My note today is not to argue about someone’s else standards, but just a reminder that, incredibly, we can’t assume our dentist or hairdresser, bartender, priest, mail carrier, grocer, police officer, housekeeper or care provider has been vaccinated. And, for our own safety, we have the right to ask, and we have the right to patronize businesses that are doing the right thing.

Jenny Ruth Yasi

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