The Hamburger Stand in Biddeford recently held a ribbon cutting and celebrated its five-year anniversary. Participating, from left, are Biddeford Mayor Alan Casavant, restaurant owners Shawn Vance and Barbara Ouellette and Biddeford-Saco Chamber of Commerce and Industry Executive Director James LaBelle. Coley Hatt photo

BIDDEFORD — The Hamburger Stand in Biddeford celebrated it’s five year anniversary with a ribbon cutting ceremony on Aug. 12.

The stand was full of excitement as owners Barbara Ouellette, Shawn Vance, their employees who worked so hard to put on the event and others gathered to commemorate the occasion. Notable figures such as Biddeford Mayor Alan Casavant and Executive Director of the Biddeford Saco Chamber of Commerce Jim LaBelle also attended.

“Day after day, burger after burger, we are just completely humbled by the support and great feedback this community gives us,” according to an online statement by the restaurant. “There’s nowhere else we’d rather have spent five years and truly hope for five more to come!”

The crew of the Hamburger Stand on U.S. Route 1 in Biddeford celebrate the restaurants five-year anniversary. Coley Hatt photo

Making the five year mark “shows me they have a strong product and work ethic,” Mayor Casavant said.

The venue also featured pictures of the comparison from the humble conceptualization of the restaurant to now. The photos illustrate the unique perseverance and legacy that this restaurant has created in its time in the Biddeford community.

The cutting of the ribbon was accompanied by a plaque provided to the restaurant by the Biddeford Saco Chamber of Commerce reading, “Congratulations on your five year anniversary of providing delicious food and outstanding service in the Biddeford-Saco Region.”


Owners of the Hamburger Stand in Biddeford, Shawn Vance and Barbara Ouellette, celebrate the restaurant’s five-year anniversary with a giant hamburger cake. Coley Hatt photo

After the ribbon cutting, the entire Hamburger Stand crew came out to attend the celebration. Photos were taken and then a large cake designed to look like a hamburger was served. The cake was provided by Reilly’s Bakery of Biddeford.

Ouellette described her time running the Hamburger Stand as “challenging and very exciting as we have seen the growth of (the business) in the last five years”

COVID-19 has had an impact, she said, “The most challenging thing that we’ve had since COVID is finding help. Not so much in the front but in the back with the cook position that I’m having a hard time, otherwise it has not affected us.”

When asked how they see the business moving in five more years, Oullette said, “with Biddeford expanding I just see this place excelling. I think we’re going to eventually need to get a bigger place to be honest with you.”

A quote hanging in the corner of the shop, by Karen Salmansohn, an author who has sold about two million books states, “Believe in what you want so much that it has no choice but to materialize.” For these happy business owners, that quote couldn’t ring more true.

The Hamburger Stand at 138 Elm St., U.S. Route 1, in Biddeford is open 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. from Wednesday to Saturday, with a menu of the hamburgers, root beer floats, and other classic items.

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