Through the construction of the transmission corridor, there is a great opportunity to bring thousands of jobs to Maine. It has been very difficult for some during this time, with many families and communities facing financial hardship. This corridor can be the key to creating jobs and continuing our recovery.

I’ve read a lot about the corridor and am excited about its benefits. There are thousands of job opportunities in this sector, including many across different industries. It’s also an area of interest for the White House, which has offered millions in funding for clean energy development. If we can create both jobs and be more environmentally friendly, then why not explore it?

I know that the corridor will deliver us hydroelectricity, which is certainly cleaner than burning fossil fuels. But with opponents of the corridor trying to block its construction via Question 1 on the ballot this November, the jobs and economic growth are in jeopardy.

It is crucial that special interests and opponents of clean energy do not erase the job opportunities that the transmission corridor will create. It could put thousands of Mainers out of a job.

I am certain that other Maine residents feel the same as I do and believe job opportunities should be protected, not reduced.

The Hon. David Sawicki

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