CMP’s corridor is a bad deal for Maine. It will destroy a special part of Maine while Mainers get very little benefit.

As volunteers, we have spent years fighting against CMP’s destructive corridor. More than 80,000 Maine voters signed our petition to put Question 1 on the ballot.

They’ve spent the last year making phone calls, knocking on doors, and talking to their friends and neighbors.The result is that CMP’s corridor is wildly unpopular, so much so that the corporation and its allies aren’t really talking about it much at all. Instead, they are making misleading and inaccurate claims about “giving power to politicians,” or that Question 1 threatens gun rights or the access to health care.

Maine voters won’t be fooled – not by deceptive ads or editorial board endorsements that get it wrong. They know that Question 1 on the Nov. 2 ballot is about stopping the CMP corridor, and that building the corridor is about money, not protecting the environment.

If we can’t trust CMP with our electric bills or to keep the power on, how can we trust them to clearcut 53 miles of the Maine woods and to cross public lands that are constitutionally protected.

A “yes” vote on Question 1 is to stop the corridor and to stop a bad deal for Maine.

Sandi Howard and Tom Saviello
volunteer leaders, Yes on 1 campaign

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